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Exciting ReLaunch: SWG Havelon Releases Friday, July 19th

Get ready for an unforgettable journey in the Star Wars galaxy with the release of SWG Havelon on Friday, July 19th! This expansion brings a host of new features, including two new planets—Hoth and Taanab—along with the detailed ground of Ord Mantell. Each location offers unique environments, quests, and opportunities for adventure, ensuring an immersive experience for all players.

Hoth: The Icy Frontier

  • Environment: Known for its harsh, icy conditions, Hoth is a desolate planet covered in snow and ice. Players will navigate through blizzards, icy caverns, and expansive tundras. The cold is relentless, and survival will require strategic thinking and proper gear.
  • Key Locations:
    • Echo Base: The hidden Rebel base offers a haven for those aligned with the Rebel Alliance. Players can engage in quests that support the Rebel cause, participate in defense missions, and uncover secrets of the Rebel operations on Hoth.
    • Wampa Caves: Home to the ferocious Wampas, these caves are dangerous but filled with valuable resources and hidden treasures. Brave explorers can take on quests to retrieve artifacts or clear the caves of threats.
    • Ice Plains: The vast ice plains are perfect for vehicle missions and large-scale battles. Players can engage in skirmishes with Imperial forces or join epic battles as part of large player groups.

Taanab: The Agricultural Hub

  • Environment: Taanab is a lush, agricultural planet known for its fertile lands and sprawling farmlands. The planet's moderate climate and rolling hills provide a stark contrast to the icy Hoth.
  • Key Locations:
    • Pandath: The capital city of Taanab, Pandath is a bustling hub of trade and commerce. Players can engage in various trade missions, participate in local politics, and help defend the city from pirate raids.
    • Farmlands: The expansive farmlands are the heart of Taanab’s economy. Quests here involve helping local farmers fend off pests, improving crop yields, and dealing with occasional criminal elements that threaten the peace.
    • Taanab Wildlife Preserve: A protected area home to unique flora and fauna. Players can take on missions that involve studying the local wildlife, protecting endangered species, and dealing with poachers.

Ord Mantell Ground: The Smuggler's Paradise  (comeing soon)

  • Environment: Ord Mantell is known for its diverse landscapes, ranging from bustling urban centers to rugged, lawless wilderness areas. The planet's ground level is a smuggler's haven, filled with opportunities for those looking to make a quick credit.
  • Key Locations:
    • Worlport: The capital city is a hive of scum and villainy, where players can engage in various underworld activities. Quests involve smuggling, bounty hunting, and navigating the complex web of criminal organizations.
    • Scrapyards: The sprawling scrapyards of Ord Mantell are filled with discarded technology and hidden treasures. Players can scavenge for valuable items, take on missions to recover lost artifacts, and fend off rival scavengers.
    • Mantellian Savanna: The wild savanna regions are home to dangerous wildlife and hidden bandit camps. Players can explore these areas for rare resources, undertake missions to clear out bandit camps, and protect local settlers.

    Join the Adventure

    Prepare your gear, rally your friends, and get ready to explore the farthest reaches of the galaxy. The launch of SWG Havelon on July 19th promises to be an epic adventure filled with new challenges, unforgettable landscapes, and endless opportunities for heroism and villainy. See you in the galaxy!


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